Mental health

Mental health is now getting the attention it deserves. That is great news, but the question remains, how do you get practical help?

Read on to see how we can help.


Mental health help on RBHS Hospital cover^

Under RBHS Hospital cover^, the Renew program is designed to meet various mental health needs and assist you on your journey to mental wellbeing.

Renew is designed for individuals with mental health needs, working alongside their primary care providers. This program is delivered by a team of psychologists and mental health nurses, offering comprehensive support through personalised care plans.

Read more about the program


Mental health help on RBHS Premium Extras cover^

Psychology benefits are available on RBHS’s Premium Extras cover. Just be aware that 2-month waiting periods apply when you first join those covers.

Psychology consultations
Cover Benefit Limit per person
Premium Extras 90% of the cost up to $170 $920

^ A two-month waiting period applies before joining this cover and claiming (unless you switch within 60 days from an extras cover with these benefits, where no waiting period would apply).

Not sure if you’ve already reached your Extras limits? Check them with  Online Member Services or our handy app.